Abdullah Yonar

PhD Candidate - Applied Mathematics
Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences


I am a PhD candidate in Applied Mathematics at Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences working with Sharad Ramanathan on efficient inferences about essential nodes in neural networks and time scale dynamics of network states.

I've taught graduate level courses: Applied Math 215: Advanced mathematical methods for modern biology and Applied Phys 286: Inference, information theory, learning, and statistical mechanics at Harvard. Before Harvard, I worked with Jeff Gore (MIT), Ahmet Yildiz (UC Berkeley) and Volker Büscher (Mainz) as an undergraduate research assistant. I got my BS in Physics at Bogazici University in 2014.


(*:equal contribution †:corresponding author)

JB Lee*, A Yonar*†, T Hallacy, C-H Shen, J Milloz, J Srinivasan, A Kocabas, S Ramanathan†. A compressed sensing framework for efficient dissection of neural circuits. Nature Methods, 16, 126–133 (2019). [link] [pdf] [news-1][news-2]

In Preparation

A Yonar†, T Hallacy, S Ramanathan†. Controlling time scale dynamics of persistent network states.

T Hallacy, A Yonar, S Ramanathan. Dissecting neural circuits for complex behaviors in pathogen avoidance.


Compressed Sensing for Neural Networks

Targeted Perturbation with Structured Light

Infering Essential Neurons in RNN

Controlling time scale dynamics of persistent network states

Dissecting neural network controlling complex pathogen avoidance



BAWM, MIT, Cambridge, MA, ”A Compressed Sensing Framework for Efficient Dissection of Neural Circuits.” (2018)

Young Scientists Symposium, LMU, Munich, Germany, ”Identifying essential neurons in neural networks that control distinct behavior.” (2017)

Bauer Seminar Series, Harvard, Cambridge, MA, ”Slow modulating interneurons control exploratory vs exploitative states.” (2016)


A Yonar. ”Compressed sensing based framework for dissecting artificial and biological neural networks”. Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2019, LMRL Workshop, Vancouver, Canada (2019)

T. Hallacy, A Yonar, S. Ramanathan. ”Identifying neural circuit that controls innate immune system in C. elegans”. Biophyscis Retreat, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA (2018)

A Yonar, J.B. Lee, T. Hallacy, S. Ramanathan. ”Using compressed sensing framework for dissecting neural circuit controlling speed of locomotion in C. elegans”. MCB Department Retreat, Woods Hole, MA (2017)